Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Today I decided to have a look at 2011 Holiday Season Highlights by Google and decided to look for the “Let it Snow” Google Easter egg that Google displayed on their Search pages last Christmas. If you searched for the words “Let it snow” in the search engine, and you left your screen unmoved for…

Today I decided to have a look at 2011 Holiday Season Highlights by Google and decided to look for the “Let it Snow” Google Easter egg that Google displayed on their Search pages last Christmas. If you searched for the words “Let it snow” in the search engine, and you left your screen unmoved for about 30 seconds, your screen started to frost up, and then Snowflakes would fall onto your screen.

let it snow

The “Let it Snow” Easter egg turned your screen into a frosted window, and you could use your mouse as a ice scraper to write messages on the search result, or to clean your window and wait for the snow to appear once again on the search results.


“Video of the 2011 Let it Snow Google Easter Egg”

I loved the “Let it Snow” Google Easter egg and played around with it for hours. I think in the history of the internet it were also the day that most people ever wished for snow on the same day. The song “let it snow, let it snow, let it snow” by Frank Sinatra also likely received the most online attention ever during the time Google showcased there “Let it Snow” Easter egg.

What is a Google Easter Egg

Sometimes the search engine creates hidden surprises like the “Let it snow” feature on their pages, when people search for it, the pages do something different than what they usually do like the Let it snow Christmas Surprise.

 You can see some of these over the Christmas period by searching for Christmas, on the top of the screen you should see Christmas Decorations, if you do not search specifically for “Christmas” or Christmas related searches you will not see these hidden gems!

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