Akira Yoshizawa Origami Google Doodle 2012

Akira Yoshizawa Today 14 March 2012 (Akira Yoshizawa) Google have once again changed their logo from the ordinary Google logo to a Google Doodle representing something or someone special in history. If you visit Google today you will see that the Google Doodle is represented by what looks like a creation made out of folded…

Akira Yoshizawa

Today 14 March 2012 (Akira Yoshizawa)

Google have once again changed their logo from the ordinary Google logo to a Google Doodle representing something or someone special in history. If you visit Google today you will see that the Google Doodle is represented by what looks like a creation made out of folded paper.

This is what Akira Yoshizawa was known for. Akira Yoshizawa were born in Japan on the 14th of March 1911. It is believed that origami were first practised by the Japanese. Akira Yoshizawa is remembered today as the Grandmaster of origami which according to his testimony in 1989 he created more than fifty thousand of these paper art works.

Akira Yoshizawa the Grandmaster of the art created by folding paper. It is also popular known as the art of origami. According to Wikipedia the art of origami (creating art from folding paper), originated in Japan, however it is difficult to preserve these paper art works and although China, Germany, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom have also made their claims about being the first to practise origami the first recorded records of origami belongs to the Japanese dating back to 1603. Akira Yoshizawa established the Yoshizawa-Randlett system of notation for origami folds which has become the standard for most paperfolders.

Akira Yoshizawa Google Doodle

Akira Yoshizawa Google Doodle 2012

“Akira Yoshizawa Google Doodle 14 March 2012”

If we analyze the Akira Yoshizawa Google Doodle it is easy to recognize his work in the Google Doodle. The Google Doodle were not created by Akira Yoshizawa but by another famous Origami Artist and Paper Folder Robert Lang you can visit his website for more information on


 and some samples of his work.

Origami paper Car

The Butterflies in the Google Akira Yoshizawa Doodle

In Japan, the earliest unambiguous reference to a paper model is in a short poem by Ihara Saikaku in 1680 which describes paper butterflies in a dream. Origami butterflies were used during the celebration of Shinto weddings to represent the bride and groom, so paper-folding had already become a significant aspect of Japanese ceremony by the Heian period (794–1185) of Japanese history, enough that the reference in this poem would be recognized. Samurai warriors would exchange gifts adorned with noshi, a sort of good luck token made of folded strips of paper. – Source


It is evident that in traditional art of origami the Butterfly plays a very important role in the art of paper-folding. I think google did a good job of capturing one of the earliest references to the art of origami in their Google Doodle celebrating the live Akira Yoshizawa and art of paper-folding.

Origami Images similar to those of Akira Yoshizawa

Origami crane

“Image of an origami Crane”

Origami Star

“Image of an Origami Star”

origami dog

“Image of Instructions to create your own little origami terrier dog.”

Today as we are reminded about the birthday of  Akira Yoshizawa and the art of origami I remembered my early school years where we used to fold paper and practised origami without really knowing the story behind it. Today I would like to encourage all our readers to create something out of paper today! Let us once again remember the fun behind origami as we celebrate the birthday of Akira Yoshizawa.

For more Google Doodles you can visit the

Google Doodle Library

. Here you can view all the previous Google Doodles.

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